It was a memorable day in our house yesterday for more than one reason! We enjoyed having family over for the usual Thanksgiving feast AND it was also our little Miss Luci's 6th birthday!!! Let me be a usual proud mom and humor me while I extoll some of the many virtues that are our Luci, won't you? ;-) Let's see...besides being an extraordinarily physically beautiful little girl, she is more importantly a very kind, thoughtful child. She never ceases to think of others before herself! Don't get me wrong, she is a typical 6 year old, so she certainly has her days, but truly not often!! She really does think of others more than herself! At her first Parent-Teacher conference this year, we were so proud and happy to hear her teachers tell us that she is a gifted academic! They encouraged us to pursue a Gifted and Talented program for her!! When her report card finally came...we were flabbergasted!! For first grade students, our school district gives a 1 through 4 rating for each area of grading, 1 being well below average and 4 being well above average). Luci's report card was peppered with a large majority of 4's (probably 75% of the entire report card was 4's!) The rest were 3's (at grade level)...although she did have one 2...for "responsible use of art supplies!" Just like a true artist! Ha ha!! She reads and writes well above her age/grade much so that her teachers have encouraged her to bypass the usual first grade books and choose instead chapter books! Chapter books for a child who just yesterday turned 6 years old!! I have a hard time throwing away some her writing assignments as they are just so darned impressive! Yes, to say we are extraordinarily proud is indeed an understatement!! She is sweet, loving, polite, funny and all-around adorable! And we couldn't possibly love her any more than we already do! Okay, enough bragging...thank you for indulging me...on to the birthday celebration!
Papa keeps a tight hold as Drew, Sonja and Max take turns dishing out birthday spanks!
As it turns out, it was also Monty's birthday yesterday, too! He didn't find his birthday spanks as humorous as Luci found hers!!
PRESENTS!!!!!! She was dying to get to this part of the evening! Drew took it upon herself to make and wrap a gift for Luci herself! What a good big sister!
Money from Grandma and Grandpa! Yay!!
Papa's gift was the big hit this year...a whole pack of Zoobles!! (Yeah, I had never heard of them before either!) The look on her face was priceless!
Jumping for joy at the site of all those Zoobles!
The book we got her wasn't as impressive to her...but I think she'll enjoy it once the novelty of the Zoobles wears off a little!
She did like the Barbie and Barbie clothes we got her, though!
And I would have been remiss to NOT get her another Zooble!
Happy birthday Sweet Pea!! We love you so much!!
Today's Quote:
Now We Are Six - A.A. Milne
When I was one, I had just begun.
When I was two, I was nearly new.
When I was three, I was hardly me.
When I was four, I was not much more.
When I was five, I was just alive.
But now I am six, I'm as clever as clever.
So I think I'll be six now and forever.