Saturday, September 13, 2008

Farmer Papa

Well, another weekend has come and still our old decrepit kitchen lives! I'm not the most patient person, especially when I'm so excited about what WILL be there as opposed to what is there right now! Oh well, a little patience never hurt anyone, I guess! We own nearly 27 acres of land and about 20 of those acres are a farm field. Ever since we bought the house, we have leased out our field to local farmers. The latest farmer has been farming the land for the last 4 or 5 years now and is a nice guy, but he's very busy with many different fields and also works as a farm-hand for other farmers in his off-time. He is constantly looking for help and this past week he found my dad! My father has always expressed an interest in operating large equipment and when the farmer asked Dean if he knew of someone, he thought my dad would be perfect for this job! Here's his debut as "Farmer Papa"!

The farmer's dog, Cotton, is a true-blue farm dog! She has come with Jim (the farmer) everytime he's been here. She either runs around and plays with our dogs or more usually, she sits with Jim while he does his work. So when Farmer Papa started driving, she did the same thing! Below, you can see her peeking out. As a side dad is also a tried and true Chevy/GMC guy, so to see him in a Ford is kind of funny!
I haven't taken many pics this week, so here's an extreme close-up of the girls!

Let's see, what else is new? Oh, Luci hadn't even been in school a full week before she missed not only one but TWO days of school due to a fever! Thankfully, the fever was her only symptom and she is now better. Drew is developing a cold which is no surprise. All summer long neither of the girls even had a sniffle, but the first week of school, the original germ factory and here they are, both sick! Ah well, what can you do? In construction news, we have at least ordered the insulated concrete forms for our future foundation. They'll be delivered on Friday. Wouldn't it be nice if demolition was done by that point? Dare to dream!

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