In other news, Drew has FINALLY popped through her first adult tooth!!! This may not seem like such an extraordinary thing until you realize that she never even got her first baby tooth until she was 16 months old and in just 2 months she'll be 8! Unfortunately, the baby tooth this adult tooth is meant to replace is still intact in its original position! It is a bit wiggly and you can see how it is being pushed out of place by the emerging adult tooth, so it shouldn't be too long before that sucker pops out. We've told her to work on making it extra wiggly so she doesn't have to go back to the dentist to have him remove it! I keep forgetting to snap a picture of it, but when I do, I'll be sure to post it here!
As mentioned above, my Sweet Adeline chorus held our annual show this past Saturday and it was a rousing success! When I get a few photos of our entire chorus (taken by one of our directors who also happens to be a photographer) I'll post more about this. Now that the show is over, we'll concentrate on our regional competition coming up next month in Syracuse! This is the highlight of my Sweet Adeline year whether we win or not, but our tiny little chorus always does exceedingly well for our chorus size! I'll keep you posted!
Still loving life sans glasses! Things are going very well in this area!
Yesterday, we drove up to a plot of wooded land owned by Dan and Tina (Dean's brother and his wife). The object was to cut up some dead wood and clear a few standing trees in preparation for making campsites and roads. They already have a small cabin in a clearing and while Tina and I chatted about everything under the sun, (politics, religion, weather, psycho's we know, etc.) the kids played together and we watched as the boys got to work. We spent several hours up there. At one point, we heard Dean say something and when we looked over at him, we saw a large "rip" in his chainsaw-chaps on his upper thigh. Chainsaw-chaps are Kevlar lined chaps worn specifically when using chainsaws to protect the wearer's legs from bounceback from the chainsaw. They did their job perfectly this day and Dean, I am happy to say, has perfectly intact legs!! (Though he now needs a new pair of chainsaw-chaps!) I'm so glad he takes these precautions, because the day could have turned out much differently if he hadn't!
Today's quote:
These two truths are the same in weight and importance. Accept and love WHO and WHERE you are now, and all good things shall find you there. ~Unknown (to me)